pcos and infertility

Rutu, Ambu, Beej and Kshetra : Ayurvedic Approach to Female Infertility Treatment

Fertility is a complex process influenced by multiple factors in both Ayurveda and modern science. Ayurveda describes four essential components for conception: Rutu (timing), Ambu (nourishment), Beej (seed), and Kshetra (field). This holistic approach aligns with modern reproductive science, which emphasizes hormonal balance, nutritional status, sperm and egg quality, and uterine health.in this article we …

Rutu, Ambu, Beej and Kshetra : Ayurvedic Approach to Female Infertility Treatment Read More »


5 Most Effective Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment in PCOS

PCOS i.e. Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome has emerged as a major disorder which undermines not just the reproductive health of women but also one which truly degrades the quality of life and self-esteem. A metabolic disorder with an imbalance of multiple hormones, PCOS triggers a plethora of signs and symptoms. Stubborn signs and symptoms of …

5 Most Effective Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment in PCOS Read More »


7 Benefits of Ayurveda treatment in PCOS

7 Benefits of Ayurveda Treatment in PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): Ayurveda offers a holistic and natural approach to managing PCOS, focusing on restoring hormonal balance, improving overall health, and addressing the root cause of the condition. Here are the key benefits: 1. Hormonal Balance 2. Improved Menstrual Health 3. Weight Management 4. Reduced Insulin Resistance …

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