Ayurveda For Heel Pain
Heel pain is the most common problem in day today’s life for both genders. The most common form of heel pain is pain at the bottom of the heel. It tends to occur for no apparent reason and is often worse when first placing weight on the foot.
Calcaneum is the heel bone. Calcaneal spur is also called as heel spur. When it is met with constant pressure, calcium deposition occurs beneath this bone and if the pressure continues, the deposition takes the shape of spur, causing pain. Pain on standing or while walking are the characteristic features. People who need to stand for a long period of time, or those who walk on uneven surfaces tend to cause pressure beneath the heel bone, triggering calcaneal spur.
According to ayurveda this is known as Vatakantaka or Parshni ashrita vata.
‘Kantaka’ refers to thorn. The pricking pain felt due to vitiated Vata is termed as Vata kantaka.
Etiological factors:
- Walking in irregular or uneven ground
- Structural deformity of foot, causing increased pressure on heels
- Excessive strain on heels due to overweight
- Standing or walking for long.
- Usage of hard foot wears or shoes.
- Prolonged pressure over the heel or ankle joint etc.
- Pain in heel (sharp and shooting type) and surrounding region.
- Pain is more evident soon after waking up in the morning.
- Some patients feel pain after work at night time.
- Increase in heel pain on standing for long time, running and walking.
Treatment for Heel pain :
- In severe cases, blood-letting (Raktamokshana) is carried, slightly below the ankle joint with leech therapy.
- Snehana – oil massage with vishgarbha tailam,murivenna tailam
- Swedana – carried outwith shastik shali pind swedan
- Agnikarma also having excellent results in heel pain.
Important tips for heel pain :
When it is severely paining, putting an ice pack helps to relieve heel pain quickly.
Avoid high heel along with hard and tight footwear to prevent pressure on ankle joint.
Use soft and smooth footwear.
During winter and rainy seasons, avoid walking barefooted inside home.
Heel pain is very severe painful condition but by taking proper treatment we can reduce the pain easily.In our center we offer extensive and proved treatment for chronic heel pain. lastly as we know prevention is better than cure so its up to oneself how we take precautions while doing daily work.
Dr.Shailesh Sham phalle MD